The Past

Name Meaning

Thomas is a Greek variation of the Aramaic name Taoma. It came about because there were too many apostles named Judas. Jesus renamed one Thomas to distinguish him from Judas Iscariot and the Judas Thaddeus. However, this has nothing to do with my naming as my parents are both devout atheists. The real reason is that my Great Grandfather on my Father's side name was Thomas.

My middle name is Jan after my Mum's brother and pays homage to our Dutch heritage.

The history of the name Goode begins in the days of the Anglo-Saxon tribes in Britain. It was a name for a person who performed good deeds or acts of kindness.

Goode by name, Good by nature!

Where I have lived

My parents emigrated in 2003 from the UK. Because of this only my parents and I live in NZ while the majority of my family live in the UK (except one rogue uncle who lives in the USA). I have been to the UK twice, once when I was six months old and more recently when I went back in 2018. My current home is the only home Ive ever known.

My House

Where I have been to school?


Nelson Central School

Inspire One day School

Nelson Intermediate School

Nelson College

Dates: 2009 – 2011

Dates: 2011 - 2017

Dates: 2016 - 2017

Dates: 2018 - 2019

Dates: 2020 - present

My achievements so far in life


When I was six years old, I started karate and I've practised ever since. I recently received my junior black belt on the 4th of May 2019. I help every week to teach children's lessons. I have also competed at a National and International level. I apologise if the videos do not work but some computers dont support the file type.

A video of me at a tournament in Sydney.

A video of me demonstrating in Nelson.


At Central School I was part of the Aquabot team. Aquabots are underwater vehicles that are moved by a controller. The challenge was to collect objects off the pool floor and to drop them in the basket. To do this we put neodymium magnets on the bottom of our aquabot to pick up the metal objects. My team came 3rd overall in the top of the south.

Epro 8

At Nelson Intermediate I participated with three other students in the Epro 8 engineering and problem solving competition. We came second in the interschools and then first in the regionals a week later. The second year we won the Interschools then came second in the regionals.

Math and Science Badges

Whilst attending the One Day School I attained maths and science badges. For each badge there are a set of tasks you have to complete. Each task is worth a certain amount of points and you have to accumulate a certain amount of points to be awarded the badge and certificate. I have completed two of these, both maths badges 3d design and Games and Puzzles.

Science fair

In 2017 I entered the Cawthron Technology and Science Competition with my design and prototype of a soil moisture sensor. I made a website, a stop motion video of construction, a powerpoint, a science board and a speech all for one project. I came away with three different prizes: Year 6-8 technology award - Gold for Arduino in action, Communicators Award &hiphen; Gold and Best project in Electronics. I am continuing to work on my project which is now becoming an autonomous hydroponics system.

Work experience

In 2019 I secured a job helping to teach a technology and electronics afterschool class at Prep with my old One day school teacher Linda Rogers. I might be doing this again at some point this year.

At the end of last year, I got a job at Flock board game cafe and bar as a Games Guru. This meant I would help customers to learn new games. Unfortunately, the company went into liquidation about a month ago and I lost my job.

I am about to send my CV and a cover letter to Jaycar Electronics Nelson with the hope that they will hire me to help in their new Makerspace (an area for creating and making for members of the public).